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Our club offers about 50 Interest Groups that meet regularly, most in person and a few on Zoom. Some groups regularly invite partners and guests. 

Members initiate and run these groups. Scheduled activities appear in our Events Calendar, a hub of our club life. For privacy reasons, most of its contents are password-protected, visible only to members.

Note to prospective members: Browse the groups below. Do any catch your eye? Join now if you're ready to become involved, or email our Membership Director for more information.


CLICK HERE for a master grid of Interest Groups,  including regular scheduling, group leaders, contact info, and more.

CLICK HERE for our Events Calendar, containing details about gatherings planned by our Groups.

five members with coffee


  • Come for Coffee:

    For new members, four monthly gatherings are a fun and casual way to meet others. And monthly, longtime members provide a warm welcome and have an opportunity to reconnect. 

Locations: Eastside (Kirkland), North End (Edmonds), Southwest & South End (West Seattle), Westside (Queen Anne)

  • Happy Hours:
    Similar to our coffee gatherings, but later in the day and with decidedly different beverages.

Locations: Eastside (Kirkland); Seattle (Northgate); West Seattle; NOSHH (North of Seattle Happy Hour); Westside (TBD)

  • Eastside Lunch: Lunch at a restaurant in Kirkland.
  • Epicureans: Lunch at a restaurant or a member's home
  • Evening Gourmet: Dinner at a restaurant or member's home. 
  • Fine Dining: Opportunities to sample cuisine by some of the region's top chefs.
  • Inquisitive Sippers: Tasting sessions of wine or spirits, paired with a bit of education.
  • Ladies Time Out: A great way to unwind during the week. Get ready for the weekend with an early evening out with other members.
  • Lunch Bunch: Lunch at a restaurant
  • Pub Crawl: Drinks and dinner at a different watering hole each month.

Note: Three other groups – Happy Cookers, Petit Gourmet, and The Cookbook Group – are at capacity and are not currently open to other members. 


We have eight book groups of 8 to 20 members each. Some read general fiction, some mysteries, and one, nonfiction. Most meet in a member's home, others meet at cafes. As existing groups reach full capacity, new groups form.

  • Crime & Mystery - open to 2 more members; contact group leader to join
  • Forever Zoom Book Group

Note:  Six other book groups are at capacity and not currently open to new members. Members are encouraged to start new book groups; our Vice President can provide a hand.

Members: Click to view Reading Lists

club rafting trip


  • Around the Sound: Members initiate fun and varied activities with the support of our Around the Sound advisors. Examples:  sailing on Puget Sound, a zoo visit, annual party , Food Lifeline volunteer project, theater performances, beach picnic potluck. Events usually take place on weekends or in the evening, and guests are always welcome. 
  • Bird Nerds: A fun, caring, passionate, adventurous and sometimes wacky group of people who love birds.
  • Curious Minds: This group is made up of women dedicated to lifelong learning. Group members brainstorm ideas for outings then sign up to plan events. 
  • Get Fit & Hike:  Group members lead outings of varying length and difficulty. Destinations are normally within a 90-minute drive of Seattle. 
  • History Walks:  Friendships form while exploring the Seattle region and learning about its past.
  • Out & About: Members initiate fun and varied activities with the support of our Out & About adviser. Examples:  a wine-tasting, a theater performance, or a game of miniature golf. The options are limitless.


  • Arts & Crafts: Members visit museums, buy project supplies and meet in person (usually outdoors) or on Zoom to create together.
  • Knitting Circle: Needles click as members chat.
  • Let's Create Together: Work together on an art or craft of your choice in an environment of friendship and common interests. Quilting, sewing, water color, drawing, cross stitching, card making, quilling, crocheting, knitting, you choose your project!  
  • Living on the Hedge (Gardening): Field trips and hands-on events. All are welcome; no need to have a garden.
  • Writing Buddies: Writing Buddies is a diverse group of writers that meets monthly in search of motivation and accountability, a boost in creativity, help with writing craft, and overall support and camaraderie. We share feedback on short submissions as requested.  

club golfers


  • Bridge: Group members play twice a month at various locations.
  • Bunco & Bites: Meets quarterly at a member's home. 
  • Euchre:  Partners and guests are welcome to this lively game night in a member's home.
  • Golf:  Group members communicate with one another to set up golf dates.
  • Mah Jongg (Eastside & Lake Forest Park)
  • Note:  Two other Mah Jongg groups  and a Scrabble group are at capacity and not currently open to new members. Members are encouraged to start new groups; our Vice President can provide a hand.


    • All Things French:  A group of Francophiles gathers once a month for a French-themed meal or program. 
    • Birthday Gals: Meets four times a year in a member's home to enjoy cake, bubbly, and celebrating with friends
    • Bird Nerds: A fun, caring, passionate, adventurous and sometimes wacky group of people who love birds.
    • Come As You Are & Chat: Every Tuesday, members can drop in on Zoom to say hello and check in with one another.  A one-hour timeframe supports communication without interruption
    • Curious Minds: This group is made up of women dedicated to lifelong learning. Group members brainstorm ideas for outings then sign up to plan events.
    • Engage for Change:  The group's vision is to provide service and support to charitable or nonprofit organizations in the region, with the belief that "Together, we can make a difference.


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